Browsing All Posts published on »April, 2012«

Monday Letter….

April 30, 2012


Dear Houston Chronicle, I am not giving you another red cent. So quit throwing papers, we have been over and over this. I am tired of calling. Dear brisket, thank you for embarrassing me, making me question the purpose of life, and just overall ruining my weekend. Dear BP, the only good thing about all the upheaval […]

The Donkey and the Frogs

April 16, 2012


A Donkey, carrying a load of wood, passed through a pond. As he was crossing through the water he lost his footing, stumbled and fell, and, not being able to rise on account of his load, groaned heavily. Some Frogs frequenting the pool heard his lamentation, and said, “What would you do if you had […]

Monday Letter….

April 16, 2012


Dear Homer, you wash cars….it rains…..we get sent home….tell me, how is this a good plan? Dear new coworkers, I am not here to steal all of your overtime. Everyone can just relax. Dear Caleb, I recommend you check your charcoal before you actually start the grilling process. I will cause much less self consternation. […]

The Party Is Over

April 13, 2012


Yep that’s right, the party is over. I technically am starting a new job on Monday. I laid out, at least for the foreseeable future, my last three piers on Thursday afternoon. I suppose it is not a great surprise. You know your work situation is bad when people greet each other with a variation of the […]

The Hare and the Hound

April 9, 2012


A Hound started a Hare from his lair, but after a long run, gave up the chase. A goat-herd, seeing him stop, mocked him, saying, “The little one is the best runner of the two.” The Hound replied, “You do not see the difference between us: I was only running for a dinner, but he […]

Monday Letter

April 9, 2012


Dear BP, why must you change the security guards? The people now are just plain creepy, weird and otherwise unwanted by even places like McDonald’s. Dear Rebekah, it is okay to hassle me about my goals. How is YOUR reading and memorization and decluttering and planting wheat grass and Lucy’s quilt and exercise going? AND, […]

Monday Letter…..

April 2, 2012


Dear TDECU, after locking your system up while I am out of town saying “sorry for the inconvenience” seems a might trite. Dear Chrysler 300, thank so so much for not breaking down on me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Dear car AC specifically, thank you for blowing cold air. Dear Rebekah […]